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Great free offer Xmind Pro

Do you know Xmind ? A very good free mind mapping tool!

It is possible to have the Xmind Pro free (only before 10 September

With the Pro Upgrade you can :

  • Customize your XMind by creating themes.
  • Brainstorming Mode.
  • Presentation Mode.
  • Export to PDF.
  • Export to Microsoft Word/PowerPoint. (works on Windows only at present)
  • Powerful Filter and Search.
  • Encrypt your XMind file with password.
  • Built-in Gantt chart for project management.
  • Record audio notes.
  • MapShot for sharing mind map (or a part of) as image.
  • MapMerge to merge two mind maps deeply.

How to proceed :

  1. Go to the site : http://www.xmind.net/pricing/ 
  2. Scroll down to ”Academia Discount”
  3.  XMind Pro 2013 > ”GET IT NOW”
  4. Give mail and picture (any)
  5. You receive a key on your mail box
  6. Downolad Xmind
  7. Open Xmind 
  8. > help > licence > past your key
  9. Use the Pro version !! (I love the gant diagrams and the audio note)
  10. Share with your friends  😉
Jean-Marc Doucet
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Jean-Marc Doucet

Jean-Marc is a freelance digital learning designer and a Data Protection Officer (General Data Protection Regulation requirement). He live in Limoges, a small town in the center of France. And work with HRDNZ as MEC Manager & Mentor Facilitator English/French Speaking. He is a gourmet who loves the cuisines of the world (and wines)

One thought on “Great free offer Xmind Pro

  • That’s great, thanks for posting about this Jean-Marc smile. I’ve used FreeMind for many years, and Xmind seemed similar (in fact quite a few mind mapping tools have similar features). But this free Pro version is definitely a great ‘free upgrade’ – I’ll be downloading tonight 🙂


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