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Adding custom menu items to your Moodle site

Moodle administrators can add a customised drop down menu to their Moodle site…

But before we begin, note that the Boost Theme does not support this feature – because it’s a mobile first Theme and the menus and navigation are responsive.

Moodle administrators can create a custom menu by entering simple text items one per line in the Theme settings. Each item is preceded by a number of hyphens, with the number of hyphens determining the depth of the item.

So items with no hyphen appear as the top level of the menu, items with a single hyphen appear on a drop down menu, and items with two hyphens appear on a drop down menu below the previous first level item, and so on.

The content of each item is constructed in three parts, each separated by a | (pipe character). The three parts are:

  • Label
    • This is the text that will be displayed as the menu item.
  • URL
    • This is the URL that the user will be taken to it they click the menu item. This is optional (but if you don’t add a URL then the item will not link anywhere, which will be a bit odd for the users!)
  • Tooltip
    • If you provide a URL you can also choose to provide a tooltip for the link. This is optional and if you don’t set it then the Label (set above) is used as the tooltip.

The following is an example of how you would create a custom menu (and can be copied and pasted as a simple starting point):

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-Moodle commercial hosting|http://moodle.com/hosting
-Moodle commercial support|http://moodle.com/support

Note: The custom menu does not escape characters within the label.  That’s a bit technical, but it means if you want to use a special HTML character such as an ampersand you must ‘escape it’ yourself within the label. e.g. use & instead of &.

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ElearningWorld Admin

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2 thoughts on “Adding custom menu items to your Moodle site

  • Priyankur

    Second level navigation not comming, –Moodle Tracker|http://tracker.moodle.org (This one)

    • blank ElearningWorld Admin

      That’s because the Moodle Theme are now driven by Boost.
      The custom menu does not work the same on Boost, so a second layer of custom menu options is a redundant concept now,.

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