
For the online learning world


Amazon AWS EC2

We’re in the process of moving all our Moodle hosting to Amazon AWS EC2 instances.

I have to say we’ve been really impressed by the service so far, and the fast technical support.Setting up Moodle on AWS EC2 is not for the faint-hearted, and shouldn’t be considered by the ‘average’ (only semi-technical) teacher for example, who would be far better using a Moodle Partner or other Moodle hosting specialist.

For those interested in running a small low-cost Moodle site, there is a free tier available (for a year), although this is limited to a t1.micro instance.  With .75Gb RAM max, this isn’t enough for a working Moodle site, but it is enough for a small Moodle test site – so great for ‘learning by doing’ for new Moodle Administrators.

I’ll blog some more about AWS in the future as we gain more experience with it smile

Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

One thought on “Amazon AWS EC2

  • Hi Stuart,

    i discover the Amazon cloud service ! it is a very sophisticated and complete hosting offering (M3/C3/R3/M3 …H1/T1)

    May be it is not easy to estimate all time to get the prices ? But the one year free is a good way to make some tests and benchmarks charts 😉

    However there is a black spot in my eyes : AWS is not a good GreenIT sad Look the ‘ClickingClean Greenpeace report’ (resume in page 45). I think it is a factor to be taken into account even if really it is only a small drop of water …. They make great rivers. And our children need it 😉


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