
For the online learning world

Elearning WorldPodcast

Elearning World podcast – get ready!

Catch-up on previous podcast episodes before the re-launch…

The ElearningWorld podcast will soon be taking over directly where the Free Moodle podcast left off.

But it will be even better 🙂

Now is a great time to subscribe and catch-up, or at least choose a couple of episodes that interest you most!

Whilst we are broadening the topics, we will still have Moodle (as the world’s best free and open source Learning Management System) central, but enhancing with items on H5P, HTML5, and other e-learning subjects.

If you previously subscribed to the Free Moodle Podcast, you don’t need to update your podcast subscription as we have re-engineering the feed with new title, logos, etc.

You can listen and subscribe on SoundCloud or iTunes



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