
For the online learning world


H5P recent general improvements

  • Support for resuming in Image Choice
  • Improved support for Vimeo. Instead of using a direct link to the video stream only available for Vimeo Pro you may now use the link to the Vimeo page. For Interactive Video Vimeo Pro is still a requirement.
  • It is now possible to have left aligned text in Dialog Cards. Previously Dialog Cards would always center align the text, now the alignment is controlled by the author.
  • It is now possible to specify that an image is “decorative”. When doing so screen readers will completely ignore the image which improves the accessibility of content that includes decorative images.
  • Lots of other accessibility improvements
  • SAML based single sign on (H5P.com only)
  • Support for Speed Grader in Canvas (H5P.com only)

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