
For the online learning world


MEC pre-registration now open

You can now register for the Moodle Educator Certificate (MEC) starting 1st February 2019.

The Moodle Course Creator Certificate (MCCC) has been replaced by the Moodle Educator Certificate (MEC).

It is not a direct replacement, but more of a change in direction for how Moodle HQ want to validate teachers skills.

MEC is focussed on assessing how well teachers create content using the main activities in Moodle, using a number of scenarios in which teachers create content to demonstrate their understanding.

Details about MEC are almost finalised, and you can visit this main information page on our MoodleBites site now.

You can now pre-register, and we will send you an email update with final course fees (expected to be US$499), start date (expected to be 1st February 2019), and other relevant details.

You can pre-resgister using the standard course registration page.


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