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Meet ElearningWorld featured writer – EdTechGeek

A shadowy figure … is EdTech Geek real?  Imaginary?

Truth is, no-one really knows.

EdTech Geek tends to post here on ElearningWorld ‘on technical subjects such as servers and databases.

But also miscellaneous areas such as Moodle jobs, software releases, developer tips, etc.

It’s generally all technical stuff, so if you are not interested in that side of the Educational Technology world you can probably just ignore EdTech Geek’s posts (ahhhh, poor thing).

But if you do have an interest in all things technical, then you can follow EdTech Geek’s posts, and reply too – it gives EdTech Geek a rare chance to interact with real people in the real world, instead of being stuck gazing at a screen in isolation all the time 😉

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