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Moodle 3.9 new feature – Participants filter

A useful feature improvement in Moodle 3.9

Managing course participants in Moodle can be time-consuming and sometimes feel quite awkward.

A new improvement in Moodle 3.9 is an extended participants filter, so you can focus in on the users you want to manage.

As shown in the screenshot below you can add multiple filter criteria using Boolean type operators.

It’s a small change, but if you spend a lot of time in Moodle, managing users in your courses, this can be a real time saver 🙂

Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

2 thoughts on “Moodle 3.9 new feature – Participants filter

  • Mahesh Sathyan

    Can this filter be used to create cohorts


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