
For the online learning world


Need a Moodle site right NOW?

Get a cost-effective Moodle site to support your organisation in less than 7 days!

During the current COVID-19 pandemic many organisations are starting to ask themselves questions such as “Why didn’t we have e-learning provision in place?” and “What could we do right now to support training and development remotely?

HRDNZ (certified Moodle Partner since 2006) have launched a “fast track” response service for organisations that would like a Moodle site right NOW, without a major long-term tie-in.

In simple terms the service provides:

  • A dedicated Moodle site running the latest stable version of Moodle
  • A Theme and one other plugin installed (for no charge)
  • 12 months hosting and support
  • Full Moodle Partner level service including server updates, email services, backups, and all traffic included (no hidden charges)
  • Up to 500 users
  • Up to to 20 courses
  • 20Gb disk space
  • Setup of your local administrator accounts
  • Priority email support plus Skype/Zoom support

This new service also includes 50% discounted access to two courses you may want to utilise – MoodleBites for Teachers, and MoodleBites for Administrators.

To keep things simple, the service fee is just US$100 per month for one year, paid at the start.

HRDNZ have promised:

“If we are approached by organisations that would really like a Moodle site FAST to support their staff or learners during the current challenging times, we undertake to ‘make it happen’ for them within one week of signed agreement.”

If you are interested in this, simply email helpdesk[AT]hrdnz.com and include MOODLE IN 7 DAYS in the subject line so it gets prioritised immediately.


ElearningWorld Admin

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