
For the online learning world

E-learning being used for pilot training

Find out how HRDNZ are helping CBTSystems use Moodle to deliver flexible online training for the aerospace industry.

CBT Systems AV tailor a training schedule that fits around individuals work, family commitments and lifestyle. They provide distance learning modules and support practical classroom courses if required.

CBT Systems is a dedicated Theory Training Provider for the Aviation industry in Australia and New Zealand. Their Computer Based Training courses are available for those wishing to undertake external (CASA & NZCAA) examinations or upskilling.

The remit for HRDNZ (Certified Moodle Partner since 2006) was to build an e-learning environment using Moodle, that was simple, fast, and modern.

With minimal graphics, a responsive theme, Credit Card payment integration, and simple navigation the site allows pilots to access courses with a minimum of fuss.

The courses now available via Moodle include:

  • Gas Turbine
  • Flight theory Phase 3
  • Private pilot license
    • Air navigation and flight planning
    • Meteorology
    • Human factors
    • Air law
    • Aircraft technical knowledge

The CBT Systems Moodle site is a good example of how e-learning can be used by even very small organisations to provide online training in a safe, secure, and cost effective way.

Contact helpdesk[AT]hrdnz.com if you would like to discuss how we might be able to support your Moodle project and site 🙂


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2 thoughts on “E-learning being used for pilot training

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    • Thank you so much for you positive and encouraging feedback – it certainly helps motivate our writers even more !

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