
For the online learning world


Week 1 “The power of social media and curation”

Tasks in this post on MOSOMELT.

  • I already had a Twitter account @moodlelair
  • I already had a Google+ account
  • I already had a WordPress account

The task to create a Vine or Instagram video also requires you to have those accounts. I already have both, but they’re for personal use, so I signed up to Vine with my @moodlelair Twitter account to complete this task. It was simple to do.

The only irritation points with the accounts is that despite having linked my WordPress and Twitter, and my Vine and Twitter, the automatic posting to Twitter isn’t working for me. So I’m just posting both manually using the “Share to Twitter” feature on the posts once they’re published.

Edit: Realised the Vine/Instagram thing is week 2… heh. This is what happens when you try to catch up with three weeks.

Source: Miriam’s MoodleLair feed

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