
For the online learning world

Elearning World

Would you like to write for ElearningWorld?

We are looking for new contributors for ElearningWorld!

We are currently looking for a couple of new writers to join our contributors for next year here on ElearningWorld. Don’t be scared, your enthusiasm for EdTech and being part of our writers team means more than your writing experience. Here’s what we need…

  • You are familiar with WordPress (our publishing platform) – although we will show you how to post using our standards.
  • You are able to make one post each month – not too much eh?
  • You have a specific interest or interest areas – which can be Moodle, e-learning, online education, course design, analytics, web technologies, educational technology, or any other relevant areas.
  • You have a good level of written English, and an ability to write accurate, informative and entertaining content.
  • You have basic web graphics skills.

ElearningWorld posts currently reach almost 100,000 subscribers, followers, and visitors (combining WordPress website, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.).

If you are interested just send me a quick email briefly outlining your fit against the criteria above. stuart[AT]hrdnz.com

Stu 🙂


ElearningWorld Admin

Site administrator

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