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Elearning WorldMoodle

Your own personal teacher library – the Sharing Cart plugin for Moodle

Most teachers have their own favourite Moodle resources and activities – a certain quiz, a book, a lesson, an assignment that you know works out every single time you use them. Instead of uploading these items from your own personal files or importing them from a master template, you can simply add a block and have your favourite teaching material close at hand in all your courses.

The Sharing Cart block is a Moodle plugin that is available for Moodle 3.4 and earlier versions. Once installed by your administrator, it enables you to collect items and share them with your students across courses with only a few clicks.

Think of the sharing cart as a rucksack containing an old-fashioned ring binder with copies of your most successful exercises and texts. Instead of carrying your rucksack from class to class and handing out paper copies of these exercises to your students, you add a ”digital rucksack” – the Sharing Cart block – to all your Moodle courses. This personal library is now a part of all your courses, meaning that you have your favourite material within reach at all times.

The Sharing Cart is only visible to teachers and higher hierarchical roles. Students cannot neither see nor access it.

Ruth Horak

Ruth Horak

Based in Denmark since 1998, Ruth is an Innovation & Educational Technology Consultant and has been a teacher of Danish as a 2nd Language at Københavns Sprogcenter (although she is a native German speaker, and also proficient in English and Norwegian). Her specialties and areas of interest include alternative pathways of learning, method development, adult education, ICT, Moodle (of course!), gamification, teaching, design & development of teaching material, project development & management.

2 thoughts on “Your own personal teacher library – the Sharing Cart plugin for Moodle

  • That’s quite a useful approach to collaborating on Moodle courses Ruth (although many teachers often create their courses in isolation of course). I always wonder if the name of this plugin, as Sharing Cart, makes people think more of something that handles ‘payments’ – like so many websites have a Shopping Cart? I wonder if there could be a better name for this?

    • I agree, the name could certainly be more specific and unambiguous.

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