Blogging for the first time…
Hello everyone… if anyone reads this!
lol! As every no-blogger I feel quite insecure about this attempt. This blog will be used to cover several things, mostly Moodle things but I am sure that other subjects will jump in as I’ll go.
This week I am lost between Easter holidays -which I don’t want to end; Happy, my 5 years old daughter, which is determined to do not allow me to work; my garden, since we are in the middle of Spring and it’s time to plant; work -of course!; and my new HP machine, which arrived on Tuesday and just yesterday my brother installed the very new Ubuntu 14.04! Yay!
Please if you pass by from my readings do share a word on comments, just to see that someone may take a look at my posts!
Looking forward to a new blogging adventure!
- How would you define the educator of the new era? – 4th September 2019
- The first MEC graduates – 19th May 2019
- Are you ready for MEC? – 8th March 2019
Thanks for your post Anna, it’s interesting seeing how you are all using this site as a group blog – maybe others will want to do the same with Moodle?
Hello Scully! Thank you for your comment, yeah I think it would be interesting to see how this project will develop. I don’t remember having seen a similar attempt before, either. So, let’s stay tuned! 😉
Hi Anna
It is daunting when we step into unknown territory isn’t it? One of the (many) positives to come out of dong this , for me, is that it reminds me of what it is like to be a student, and the apprehension they feel each time we introduce a new topic to them.thoughtful
I work with “second chance ” learners: adults who have come back into the education system to develop skills and qualify in a chosen area of study. Oftentimes they will have had quite a negative time in the classroom (at the compulsory education level) and come to me feeling apprehensive themselves.
With a little positive feedback and some thoughtful lesson development it is encouraging to see them blossom into motivated and successful learners.
It is interesting to here where you are in the gardening year, we are in autumn and here in the winterless north of New Zealand we have an abundance of fruits: feijoa’s, mandarins and kiwifruit. So my time involves a lot of baking and preserving…