The first MEC graduates
The first MEC run has been successfully concluded on Wednesday, 15 May 2019, with all four candidates receiving their MEC – Foundation Level Certification.
After a long period of preparation the first MEC run is a fact and it is finally the time to congratulate our first MEC graduates! So…
Congratulations Om Singh Chundawat, Sue Sugizaki, Tish Kirkland, and Vincent Basile for succeeding in MEC – Foundation Level!
A special run
This first MEC delivery, which I had the chance to facilitate, has been special not only because it was the first run for me and HRDNZ Moodle Partner, but it was the first offerred worldwide! Inevitably it has been the crush test of a product that followed a long development cycle. Technical and procedural issues were detected, reported and solved in collaboration with the four candidates and the Moodle HQ Education Team. The coordinated actions and the quick turnarpund helped to make this a successful run despite the challenges that occurred.
The timeline
The delivery began on 1st April and followed a sequential order, dedicating a week to each Module:
Module 1 – Universal Design – 1-7 April
Module 2 – Open Content – 8-14 April
Module 3 – Guiding Learners – 15-21 April
Module 4 – Teaching Tools – 22-28 April
Module 5 – Learner Collaboration – 29 April-5 May
Module 6 – Assessment Strategy – 6-12 May
A typical week
Each week candidates had to review the Module’s (minimal) contents and complete two challenges that reflect their skills towards the Module’s learning goal. Canditates submitted their challenges for assessment and they could update them twice, based on facilitator’s feedback, to reach Competence or Mastery score.
The candidates
For this pilot candidates had been carefully selected. We needed a small group of experienced Moodlers, thus we selected the above four as they were either holders of the Moodle Certification (MCCC), or they had completed MoodleBites online training. This proved to be a wise decision, as MEC has been created on the basis of the Digital Competences for Educators and its focus is on teaching, rather than on Moodle. With Moodle knowledge a given, candidates had the chance look beyond the Moodle tools and focus on what’s important in the online education: teaching.
The next MEC date for the Foundation Level certificate is on 1st June, when we expect to welcome a larger group of candidates who have successfully completed the MoodleBites for Teachers course.
- How would you define the educator of the new era? – 4th September 2019
- The first MEC graduates – 19th May 2019
- Are you ready for MEC? – 8th March 2019
I want to echo Anna’s congratulations – well done to these trail-blazers! I also want to say a huge thanks to Anna – because she advised the Moodle HQ team a LOT on how to actually make MEC work, and without her dedicated and knowledable input it wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you Anna (on behalf of all future MEC candidates!)