Free H5P movies on YouTube
Have you seen our free H5P movie playlist?
If you are getting to know H5P you might like to take a look at this YouTube Playlist of free H5P movies created by HRDNZ (certified Moodle Partner since 2006).
There are movies including:
- Creating Dialog cards
- Creating Flashcards
- Creating Interactive movies
As well as ‘functional’ content covering:
- Text overrides and translations
- Copyright and Metadata
- Display options
These are all part of the “#H5P in #Moodle” online #elearning course now available
Take a look!
- H5P periodic table – 8th September 2023
- Moodle 4.0 – 15th May 2022
- Moodle 4.0 other highlights – 14th May 2022