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FREE Moodle developers course

Not sure if you are ready to start Moodle development? Use this free course to find out!

HRDNZ (certified Moodle Partner since 2006) offer a huge range of online courses for Moodle, H5P, and other e-learning technologies at the www.moodlebites.com training site.

For people considering whether they could do some coding and development for Moodle, there are course such as MoodleBites for Developers – Level 1 and Level 2.

But how do you know if you will be able to cope with this type of course?

Well, HRDNZ have now created a completely FREE Moodle Development preparation course, and you can work through this at your own speed, and gauge if your technical skills and knowledge are enough for you to sign-up to the MoodleBites for Developers Level 1 course 🙂

Just head on over to www.moodlebites.com and look in the Free Courses Category, use the menus to find it, or just follow this link to the course outline 🙂

Have fun !

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EdTech Geek

Server administrator, solutions architect, developer, EdTech enthusiast, and park-time geek.

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