
For the online learning world


iMoot15 podcast news available

We’ve just published episode 22 of the free Moodle podcast.

This month is a special feature interview with Vinny Stocker about the international online iMoot conference in May – http://2015.imoot.org/  Vinny is on the organising committee for the iMoot, and we discuss the benefits of attending the iMoot, how to submit presentations, and the where, when and how to register.

The iMoot is one of the most interesting and enjoyable Moodle conferences of the year, and anyone, from anywhere, can attend and take part as it is completely online smile

You can listen to the podcast on iTunes:


or on SoundCloud:


Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

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