Moodle 3.11 improved activity completion
These enhancements could make a huge difference to your courses…
If you use activity completion in your Moodle courses then this update in Moodle 3.11 could make a huge difference.
Activity dates and activity completion conditions (the requirements) may be shown directly on the course page. See the image below:

The combination of Done (in green) or To do (in grey) might really help learners quickly see what they have completed, and what is yet to finish.
Activity dates and Activity completion conditions are shown at the top of the activity page:

Students can mark an activity as complete from within the activity itself:

New settings allow teachers to hide or show activity dates and completion conditions on the course page:

Small simple changes like this can be quite revolutionary in certain courses 🙂
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I wish visual design had been taken into account with the new completion elements. “Done (in green) or To do (in gray)” buttons are larger than the very activities they call to.