Moodle Feedback Activity – Create Customized Surveys & Low Stakes Quizzes
Moodle already has a Quiz and a Survey tool, so why would anyone need the Feedback tool? The reason is that the Moodle Feedback activity offers instructors two useful variations. The first is a comprehensive customizable survey feature and the second is an alternate means of setting up a low stakes or non-graded quizzes.
Customized Surveys
Teachers who have been using Moodle for a few years have had this common experience. Administrators or teachers through their own interest in course improvement, set out to add a survey to their course to collect student opinions on aspects of the course, course delivery and the course itself as a whole. The teachers quickly determine that the Moodle Survey tool is an inflexible as the instructor must select from pre-set surveys including COLLES (Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey), the Critical Incidents survey and the ATTLS (Attitudes to Thinking and Learning Survey). While these serve an invaluable function purpose for generating user response data, many teachers want specific feedback to their questions related to their needs. (For example, Was the air conditioning in the classroom suitable for learning in term of temperature control and sound?)
The Feedback activity is ideal for course or teacher evaluations. It is also useful for creating low-stakes formative quizzes seeded through fully-online or blended courses. As well, there is a Feedback block that provides quick access to course Feedback surveys and quizzes. The Feedback activity allows teachers to create surveys and quizzes using the questions.
Low-stakes Quizzes
Low-stakes, formative or non-graded quizzes provide students and teachers with a means of knowing if concepts are being understood by a class in general or by individual students. The efficiency of developing formative quizzes using the Feedback in comparison to Moodle quizzes, H5P question sets makes it a tool that teachers should consider when enhancing their courses with check-in quizzes throughout their courses.
Question types
The Feedback activity offers a variety of standard question types. Included in these are four kinds of multiple-choice questions. These include:
- Single answer multiple choice displays a series of radio buttons,of which only one can be selected.
- Multiple answers multiple choice shows options with check boxes to indicate their opinion or answers.
- Single answer multiple choice with a drop-down menu allows only one selection from a drop-down menu.
- Single answer multiple choice with a drop-down (rated) displays each option with an associated numerical. These results can be used to calculate averages for comparison across class sections or terms.
Other Feedback question types include:
- Numeric answer which shows a question which must have a number as an answer. You must also indicate the acceptable range of numeric responses. It is advisable to specify the acceptable range in the question text.
- Short text answer displays a single line answer restricted by a set number of characters long that the teacher defines. Longer text answer, is for creating a response textbox, specified in number of lines and characters.
- Longer text answer questions offer a response textbox, specified in number of lines and characters. These are suitable for essay responses or additional comments.
Dependency question settings
Setting up a Dependency question which can change the path of the Feedback activity. It works similar to a Moodle Lesson as the responses determine the next question in the Feedback activity, except the Lesson is a complete adaptive learning activity.
Additional Attributes
To reuse or share any Feedback surveys or quizzes made, a teacher can save them as a template to be used in the future or by themselves others. Cohort responses can be viewed in graphical chart formats and individual responses can be viewed in a list format. There is a Captcha option if it is enable by the Moodle administrator.
Moodle Documents link:
- A Few Tips to Create Accessible Word Documents – 23rd January 2025
- WAI’s Easy Checks to Start Moving Toward Digital Accessibility – 13th October 2022
- Repurpose, reuse, recycle or customize H5P learning objects – 12th September 2022