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Moodle plugin of the month – Kopere Dashboard

A great dashboard for Moodle Administrators.

This is a really interesting plugin, and I can’t believe it hadn’t been or my radar before!

Kopere Dashboard is a tool panel with reports, online users, backup, notifications and more. Also shows real time data for onine users, which page they are accessing, whether the focus is on the page or not, the size of the screen, which browser, or which model of smartphone. It also features benchmarking, backups utility, and reports!

Kopere Dashboard Moodle plugin

There are other features such as user import utility, and static (site) pages.

The more you dig into this dashboard the more you find!

A future release may expand the reporting functionality to allow user to create their own reports too. That would make this even more attractive.

I am considering adding this plugin to our MoodleBites.com online training courses site, and that is pretty much the highest recommendation I can give – using it myself day to day 🙂

Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

2 thoughts on “Moodle plugin of the month – Kopere Dashboard

  • Wow, very cool and I had not heard of this at all either. It looks somewhat similar to the admin page on the Moove theme. Wonder if it shares some DNA or just taking advantage of newer core APIs….

    • blank ElearningWorld Admin

      Themes often share underlying code and “good ideas” so it is very possible that it uses code from Moove? That’s one of the great opportunities that come about from open source! 🙂

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