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Moodle Quiz question type – Matching

Matching questions enables to students to identify relationships between key words or phrases.

Matching questions have a content area and a list of names or statements which must be correctly matched against another list of names or statements.

For example “Match the capital city with the Country” with the two lists “UK, New Zealand, Australia” and “London, Wellington, Sydney”.

Each sub-question is equally weighted to contribute towards the grade for the total question.

For example a student who correctly matches 3 of the 4 possible matches will receive 3/4 or 75% of the total possible score for that question.

To make questions more challenging it is possible to have more answers than the number of questions; just put in more answers, without any corresponding question.

Matching questions tend to look better on screen if you put the longer piece of text in the question and not the match. For example, when vocabulary matching put the single word in the match and the definition sentence in the question. Otherwise the drop down for long questions will be awkward to use and difficult to read.

Matching questions in a Lesson module are slightly different than in a Quiz module when the teacher is in edit mode. For example, there are scoring differences

Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

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