
For the online learning world

Elearning World

Open Zoom meeting for June 2020

We have our regular open Zoom sessions on the first Tuesday of each month.

8.00am session is at https://zoom.us/j/295666349 Meeting ID: 630 399 709, Password: 6bBWPr https://us04web.zoom.us/j/630399709?pwd=VTE5TjBLV0lIcjJ4OHNyNW5HWERmdz09 


6.00pm session is at https://zoom.us/j/630399709 Meeting ID: 547 416 936, Password: 6bBWPr https://us04web.zoom.us/j/547416936?pwd=b3dCL0xMc1g0OXR4SkxwbVdoejJGdz09

(Note that the times are shown in New Zealand timezone, so if you need to check the time in your location use a site such as timeanddate.com)

Sessions are around half an hour, and you can drop in at any point – it’s really low-key and informal.

So if you have a question about Moodle, H5P, or eLearning in general why not drop in and chat in person?

If you haven’t used Zoom before you don’t need to create a login, just have a quick read of https://zoom.us and install a client if you want to (it’s so easy!)

There is NO password required to join these meetings.


ElearningWorld Admin

Site administrator

2 thoughts on “Open Zoom meeting for June 2020

  • Pingback: Change My Mind: Online Conferences Are The Worst - ElearningWorld.org

  • Scott Huntley

    I was hoping to attend this month’s Zoom session, but unfortunately I’m going to be out in the field today and I don’t think I’ll make the afternoon session with the time change. We have an interesting project right now involving building training for future NSW School Crossing Supervisors, and I’m building an H5P 360 degree view of some typical school crossings. We have a videographer doing professional 360 shots for us today, and I’m very excited to be playing with this technology. This is also the first time in quite awhile we’ve been actually able to actually go onsite, and the first time I’ve been more than 10 km from my home in a few months!


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