
For the online learning world


Podcasts and Creating Better Quizzes

Please forgive me if this is a little vain, but I wanted to share this with you this month. In September, I was interviewed by Dr. Dan Hill for his Vocational Education Podcast. Dan caught up with me at the 2019 National VET Conference in Brisbane where I was presenting What to Consider when Selecting an LMS.

The objective of my presentation was to provide a fair and unbiased checklist for small RTOs (Registered Training Organisations) when selecting an LMS. And I wanted to provide unbiased generalised advice instead of just saying “use Moodle” – especially since Blackboard, Canvas, and CloudAssess were major sponsors of the conference.

Dan asked me about my background, adult education (as a learner and a trainer), and keeping up to date with technology. Check it out.

If you’re interested in the presentation itself, there isn’t a recording, but I have shared my slides on SlideShare.

The ElearningWorld.org Podcast

Speaking of podcasts, I know the ElearningWorld.org podcast will be back next year. Do you have any suggestions for the relaunch? Are there any topics they should tackle, or any interviews they should book? Perhaps they should interview Dr. Dan himself about vocational education? Comment below if you have any thoughts.

Creating Better Quizzes

I promised to post some notes on my last workshop at MoodleMoot New Zealand here this month. But the great thing about procrastination is occasionally other people will do your work for you. I know that’s a terrible thing to say, I’m only joking, but in this case, it actually worked out this way.

My last workshop at the Moot was on creating better quizzes in Moodle. I gave a few tips, such as creating a role-play scenario by including a video in a description and then asking some multiple choice or even essay questions based on the video. This might be good for an ethics discussion, or a bullying discussion. Record a little scene and have your students respond to it in their quiz.

We also discussed bad multiple choice questions, and I challenged the group to write bad examples of what not to do so we could avoid pitfalls.

Rather than reiterate all this material, Tish Kirkland, in an act of synchronicity, has written two great posts on this topic (part 1 and part 2). It’s great when other ElearningWorld writers are on the same wavelength.

Upcoming Asia Pacific Moots…

The conference calendar is getting shorter! It must be that time of the year. As more 2020 events are confirmed, I will add them here.

There will be a MoodleMoot India in 2020, but it’s a roadshow. Find out more details here. It’s scheduled to run between January 27 and February 9 in a number of cities.

MoodleMoot Japan 2020 will take place in Kumamoto at Sojo University on February 25 to 28.

…and other Elearning/EdTech Conferences

ASCILITE 2019, for those using educational technologies in tertiary education, in Singapore on December 2 to 5“Personalised Learning. Diverse Goals. One Heart.” is this year’s theme.

The 2020 National VET Conference will be held in Gold Coast, Queensland on September 17 & 18. I’ve been told the CFP will open soon.

And please drop me a line if you think there’s an APAC Edtech Conference you think I’m missing!

Scott Huntley
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Scott Huntley

Kenneth "Scott" Huntley is an Instructional Designer with Transport for NSW and WordPress instructor with The Parramatta College. Scott is a Canadian (Nova Scotian) Expat living in the Southern Highlands of Australia. Scott is a Moodle enthusiast and an Internet of Things hobbyist.

3 thoughts on “Podcasts and Creating Better Quizzes

  • Scott, this is a great post and I wish I could have attended your session about Quiz at the NZ MoodleMoot! Good to know we are on the same wavelength 🙂 I’ve got more about MCQs coming up in future posts as I have been on a real roll with them.

  • Thanks for pointing us to your SlideShare link.
    Not vanity at all – highly revenant for followers of ElearningWorld I think !
    Yes, I noticed the links between your presentation and Tish’s posts on MCQ’s – nice tie-in!
    And yes, the ElearningWorld podcast is being re-launched for 2020 – but you can listen to older archive versions on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/hrdnz/tracks, and iTunes (now Apple Podcasts of course) https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/elearning-world-podcast/id666537588

    • Thanks Stuart. I was going through the slideshare just now and I’m wondering if I need to add an audio commentary for this one as well! Check out the notes tab on slideshare to read my speakers’ notes. I still think it’s messy but you’ll get the gist. Perhaps I should start trying to create audio tracks or video presentations out of the various presentations I’ve done. I’ll look into, and of course, provide links here.

      I’m very excited for the ElearningWorld podcast re-launch!

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