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The jigsaw of the day…

“Yes, make that post in the facilitators Forum, and make sure I am subscribed in…” 

That was my manager’s request. And it may sound silly but my first idea was to check subscription settings of the forum, and if subscription wasn’t forced, to login as him to ensure he is subscribed in.

And then I saw it! A link that I have never seen before… wide eyes

Hasn’t ever happen to you? Being in the same place for ages, and still never explored it thoroughly? thoughtful

Oh dear, this is embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. After exactly 10 years working with Moodle, I just saw the “Show/edit current subscribers” link, in:

  • Administration block -> Forum administration -> Show/edit current subscribers

Really cool stuff, it instantly gives you a list with those who are subscribed in the specific forum and if you click on the right top corner the “Turn editing on” button you get a page where you can add and remove participants (subscribe/unsubscribe), similar to the page we use to assign users into a group.

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Anna Krassa

I am an educator specialised in distance education, living and working from Greece. I have been working with HRDNZ for long time, since I completed my Moodle Teacher Certificate in 2007. My key role is to manage Moodle Educator Certificate program for HRDNZ.

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