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Visual guide to H5P and Moodle question types

A dynamic visual guide to how H5P and Moodle questions types relate to each other.

As Moodle integrates H5P into it’s core distribution many teachers will wonder whether to use Moodle quizzes, or H5P quizzes.

There are challenges around this – including the very different interfaces between the two.

There is also overlap and negative interference possible here. H5P enables many more content types than simply quizzes and questions, but let’s focus on those for this article.

Moodle and H5P both have question types called Essay – but they do different things – a point for potential confusion. Both have True/False and Multiple Choice question types, which of course have differences.

Perhaps the most confusing point is that the H5P Quiz (Question Set) content type provides enables teachers to add around half a dozen H5P question types, but there are around 10 other question types that are stand alone, and not available within the H5P Quiz. Confusing for teachers new to H5P.

So I created this Moodle and H5P question types visual guide to try and help teachers understand what’s going on here regarding quizzes and questions, once H5P is available within Moodle.

Importantly, the graphics works in TWO directions simultaneously.

Vertically in the following manner:

  • Yellow column is the question types available in core Moodle
  • Pink column is the H5P question (content) types available for use with the H5P Quiz (Question Set)
  • Green column is the H5P question types that are not available to embed within the H5P Quiz (Question Set)
  • Blue column is Moodle plugin question types that can be added

Horizontally as:

  • Questions in the Moodle Core list (Yellow) are grouped around similar functions, for example:
    • Drag and drop type questions
    • Matching type questions
    • Numeric or calculated type questions
  • The H5P question types (Pink) available in the Quiz (Question Set) are aligned next to their ‘nearest similar Moodle question’ type.
  • The H5P question content types that are not available within the H5P Quiz (Question Set) (Green) are in line with similar Moodle Core question types.
  • The Moodle plugin questions types (Blue) are aligned as closely as possible to H5P content type questions.

Essentially, all this means that reading “across” the diagram you will find similar question types, whether that be Moodle Core questions, H5P Quiz (Question Set), other H5P question types, or Moodle plugin question types.

I hope this will be useful for teachers using Moodle and H5P together, as an overview, and quick reference. Feel free to link to this (https://elearningworld.h5p.com/content/1290985419330027149), and use it within your teaching 🙂

Each item is linked to the relevant documentation page – whether that be Moodle Docs, or H5P documentation.

If you notice any errors please let me know stuart[AT]hrdnz.com.

Also, if you can identify any improvements, for example other Moodle plugin question types that relate to the H5P question types that could be added, let me know. Once I update then everyone linking will be accessing the updated version 🙂

Enjoy !

Stu 🙂

Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

5 thoughts on “Visual guide to H5P and Moodle question types

  • Pingback: Overzicht Moodle en H5P toetsvragen | Avetica

  • Hi Stu, I am looking for the following: Say I use the Calculated Question, with something like 1 / [[a]] + 1 / [[b]] = ? The actual calculation is not of interesting here. What I would like is to display in the question field two pies, with fractions depending on [[a]] and [[b]]. In other words, the pic in the question field should not be static, but dynamic depending on the value of the variables.
    Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Best, Leo
    PS We have Moodle installed

    • Hi Leo
      I don’t teach any maths courses at all, so I’m not familiar with how this specific question type works in-depth.
      I would recommend that you post this question to the H5P community forums, as it’s H5P specific.
      You could try the Maths forum on Moodle.org, but obviously most teachers gthere will be using the Moodle questions, and not the H5P questions.

  • Pingback: Avetica - Overzicht Moodle en H5P toetsvragen %

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