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H5P Guess the animals audio Dialog Cards

A new twist on using H5P to create a ‘Guess the animals’ audio Dialog Cards.

This month I’m sharing an adapted version of some earlier work – which is created using the H5P Dialog Cards content type.

The interesting thing is that I realise I could make the cards with just audio, and no pictures. To be honest, it would be nice if the picture could be included only in the answer – that would really lift this example eh?

My young daughters (the critical audience for testing these!) say this is the one they enjoyed the most, perhaps because it’s most challenging? I read the tips to them, and they listen, and add 2 and 2 together – so it’s a nice thought process.

We also make it “fun” marking off which we got right and wrong – and see if we can beat the last score 😉

My criteria for building all this content is:

  • It has to work well on a mobile phone – my children want to play them when we are out, and I’m designing them for other people who might want to use them via a mobile device too.
  • I want really nice clear images – most of the free Apps I found previously have really poor animal images
  • I want the activity to have simple learning opportunities through pop-up tips, help text etc.- in this case using the location of the animal (e.g. Australia or Africa), and also describing the animal (e.g. Mammal, Insect, Marsupial)
  • I want it to be really easy to navigate and read for children – possible using it on their own – with my target audience initially being my daughters aged 4 and 6
  • I want it to be fun!

My first example used H5P Flashcards, my second used H5P Quiz (Question Set) (just two options each time) and randomised, and the third version was within an H5P Column. 

I’ve made numerous changes to the H5P behaviour and language here – so it’s optimised for a) mobile use, and b) younger learner audience.

I’ve also made an effort with the tips before and after – which I use as discussion points with the kids as we go through the cards.

As with the other examples, I’ve attributed everything correctly, so if you want to share and use this content in any way you want … please do!  Also give me feedback on any typing mistakes or any other type of improvement you think of – just let me know and I’ll update 🙂

Feel free to share and use 🙂

Stuart Mealor
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Stuart Mealor

Stuart is interested in all things e-learning, with specific interests in Moodle, e-learning strategy, and business development. His experience in education over 30 years, MBA in International Business, and knowledge of e-learning systems implementation, together with graphic design background, give him a unique skill set for e-learning projects.

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