Moodle Markdown editing – hidden treasure Part 4
Part 4 in our series exploring using Markdown in Moodle.
Previous posts
- Introduction to Markdown –
- Editor preferences –
- Text formatting with Markdown –
Here in part 4 we’ll look at further text formatting options, and specifically headings.
If you are familiar with HTML, you will know there are standard Heading Styles from 1 to 6, with 1 being the largest. Often you might use a test style dropdown in your Word Processor, which is essentially the same idea – quickly selecting a heading style.
In HTML though, Heading styles are dynamic, so although Heading style 1 is the largest, and Heading style 6 is the smallest, when you zoom your browser all the Heading will grow or shrink relative to each other.
Markdown also allows you to subdivide your text with Headings; six different levels are available, though it is unusual for a standard webpage to use more than two or three.
You can create a heading by starting a line with one or more hash characters (#).
#The most important heading on the page
One hash is the largest and most important heading, all the way through to six hashes, which gives you the least important or smallest heading.
#The most important heading on the page
##A sub-heading
###A smaller heading
The first two levels of headings are most common and will probably be enough for most Moodle content you would typically create.
A heading style can also be created by using line of equal signs (=) or hyphens (-) under the title:
The top heading =============== A sub-heading -------------
Note that this only works for heading level 1 and 2, but as we’ve said, this is likely all you will need.
Just as with text formatting, where you could use an asterisk (*) or an underscore (_) you might have a heading stye preference (remember this text should be easily readable). Personally I prefer to use the = and the – for heading styles as it seems much more obvious to me it’s a heading when looking at the text.
More on Markdown next month!
- H5P periodic table – 8th September 2023
- Moodle 4.0 – 15th May 2022
- Moodle 4.0 other highlights – 14th May 2022