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User/Group Overrides in Moodle Quiz

If you haven’t yet found or explored the quiz user and group overrides, you are in for a treat.

This feature will help you more effectively deal with several types of situations where students or groups of students need modifications to when and how they take a quiz.  This is very helpful for such instances as a student who is taking medical leave and needs to take a test early, a student who accidentally submitted the quiz after 60 seconds and needs another chance but the quiz is now closed, students who are on sports teams traveling out of town and need to take the test earlier or later than the rest of the class, students who are allowed extra time on tests or have them proctored outside of class.  The nice thing is that you can do this without changing the basic quiz settings for the course.  The group overrides can be used for resetting the settings for a group of students in a separate session who meet on a different day of the week. Making a group for those sport team students or other students who have similar modifications can save a lot of work through a busy semester.

This feature must be used in each separate quiz in the course.  Click into the quiz, then go to the Settings or Administration block depending on your version of Moodle.  There you will find the Group Overrides and User Overrides links.  Here is a picture of the user overrides screen. The group overrides screen is similar except instead of picking out individual students, you will pick out a group of students already created in your course.

The options that you can change here are a few of the ones on the original quiz settings page.  They include password, open and close dates for the quiz, time limit on the quiz and the attempts allowed.  Making changes will only have an effect on the student or group selected. The set of modifications for each student or group must be entered separately.  Giving a different password to the students who are gaining the override is helpful to the security of  the password for the rest of class.  If the student has the test proctored, this password can be sent to the proctor instead of the student.

Happy Moodling!


Paula Clough
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Paula Clough

A "retired teacher". Thirty two years experience in Education. 10 years with Moodle in K-12 and college levels.

2 thoughts on “User/Group Overrides in Moodle Quiz

  • Anonymous

    what will the number of attempts for each case:
    -student loged out during the quiz
    – student nover attempted the quiz

    • blank ElearningWorld Admin

      This question is not really clear enough to answer.
      1. If a Student logs out while taking a Quiz it will save the current grade at that point.
      This will be counted as one attempt.
      2. If a Student has never attempted a Quiz their grade will obviously be 0.
      There is no attempt made in this case.

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