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Your MootNZ19 Checklist

With just 6 days to MoodleMoot New Zealand, you don’t have long to get your ducks in order. A few months ago, Tish Kirkland wrote an excellent article on tips for attending a Moot, but I just wanted to run through a few pragmatic things for you to check with only a few days left. Let’s run through your Pre-MootNZ19 checklist:

Participate on the Moodle Moot site

In the Registered attendees area of the site, you can contribute to the forums and indicate which sessions you want to attend. There are also wikis where you can let other attendees know with which hotel you’re staying and suggest some impromptu social outings. Let’s get some networking going!

Join the Facebook Page

While you’ll be able to access all the vital moot information from the official Moodle Moot website, you’re missing out on some discussion if you’re not following the New Zealand Moodle Users Facebook page. We’ve already seen polls, resources, and discussions there; join so you don’t miss out.

Get your Twitter and Instagram accounts ready

Twitter is a great conference networking tool. If you have an account that has cobwebs, it’s time to dust it off. Update your profile and profile photo, and start tweeting on the hashtag #mootnz19 to let us know you’re coming.

If you’re really good, get to know a tool called Tweetdeck. It will help you follow multiple hashtags, and I have it open constantly.
And don’t forget Instagram! Let’s start filling it with #mootnz19 photos!

Get your LinkedIn up to speed

I’m a fan of using LinkedIn for my business networking social media site. I think, while it is a bit spammy at times, it’s the best network to manage my professional connections.

If you’re like me, you’re polishing your LinkedIn page up right now, in eager anticipation of meeting and connecting with fellow H5P and Moodle Users next week. Why not try the Find Nearby trick during the moot?

(Of course, you can just add me to your network now.)

Get your hardware ready

Your goal for MootNZ19, and really any conference, is to figure out a strategy to still have charge on your phone at the end of the night! The struggle is real!

It’s probably a touch early to pack your laptop, but figure out what tech you’re taking. Laptop and phone sound like good candidates, but are you tablet user? And do you have apps installed to help you take notes and photos at the Moot? Have you dusted off your Dropbox or OneNote? And do you need a new powerbank?

Or are you old school? Get your notepad, pens and pencils ready!

Get some business cards

Wowie, I learned this lesson the hard way. Earlier this month at the 2019 National VET Conference, I presented What to Consider when Selecting an LMS. The presentation went great, but there was one thing I wasn’t expecting that I really should have. Putting myself out there as a Web & LMS expert, I should have anticipated the small line of people looking for help on their LMSes & websites!

I forgot the most important part of business networking is business. Now, I’m currently employed full time, so it didn’t even dawn on me that I would need business cards. And while I’ll survive because I did get my LinkedIn and other social media accounts ready, I’m still kicking myself. People want and expect business cards. It makes it easier to reconnect with your brand new business friends after the conference has ended.

So I’m coming to MootNZ19 with a few hastily printed business cards.

Tell everyone you’re going to MootNZ19

Finally, get out there on your networks and promote that you’ll be there! Look up the presenters of the interesting sounding sessions and see if they have Twitter or LinkedIn. Connect, tell them you’re eager to see their presentation. Blog before, during and after MootNZ19. Tell people what you want to learn, who you’re meeting, and what you loved. Use the hashtag, and follow, chat and connect with other attendees!

I’ll get you started with a few badges you can add to your blogs and social media. Download, and use anywhere and everywhere.

Upcoming Asia Pacific Moots…

It might seem like far away, but MoodleMoot Japan 2020 will take place in Kumamoto at Sojo University on February 25 to 28.

…and other Elearning/EdTech Conferences

uLearn19 is being hosted by CORE Education in Rotorua from October 9 to 11.

RESCON, a flipped classroom conference, is taking place in Brisbane on October 18 & 19.

EdTechPosium will be held in Canberra on October 28 & 29Martin Dougiamas will be a keynote speaker.

EduTech Asia is being held this November 4 to 7 in Singapore.

The 2019 Eportfolio Forum will be held in Canberra, on November 20 & 21. If you’re a Mahara user, you’ll want to check it out.

ASCILITE 2019, for those using educational technologies in tertiary education, in Singapore on December 2 to 5“Personalised Learning. Diverse Goals. One Heart.” is this year’s theme.

And very far off, the next National VET Conference was announced at the end of 2019NVC. It will be held in Gold Coast, Queensland on September 17 & 18. Hey, why not answer the call for proposals for this one when it opens?

Scott Huntley
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Scott Huntley

Kenneth "Scott" Huntley is an Instructional Designer with Transport for NSW and WordPress instructor with The Parramatta College. Scott is a Canadian (Nova Scotian) Expat living in the Southern Highlands of Australia. Scott is a Moodle enthusiast and an Internet of Things hobbyist.

4 thoughts on “Your MootNZ19 Checklist

  • Pingback: Scott's MootNZ19 Wrap Up - Scott.Technology

  • I actually think I left a major check off the list; I’ll include it here as a reward to those that read the comments:

    – Get your sandbox set up!

    You’ll want to start playing with all the new ideas you learn next week, so this weekend organise a place where you can do so safely. This might mean a sandbox course or category in Moodle, or another Moodle all together. Or even a WordPress site with the H5P plugin installed. Get it set up now so you can start playing right away!

    You called it Stuart – I can’t wait until next week!

  • I can almost feel the anticipation from this post 🙂
    Some great points too … and a couple of items to add to my own preparation list ! lol

  • Pingback: Your MootNZ19 Checklist - Scott.Technology

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