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Curriki K-12 free resources

Curriki (www.curriki.org) is an organization dedicated to providing free, quality educational K-12 (Kindergarten through 12 grade/year) resources to the global community.

Having been an educator for 30 years and involved in MOODLE’s open source LMS for over eight years, I am very interested in seeing educational resources available to educators. I recently ran across the Curriki site and wondered why I hadn’t found it before.

Almost sixty thousand resources are on the website all available for free. Original resources can be uploaded by any member. Members can assemble, mix and remix content to form their own curriculum. The resources can be nominated to a expert review so that they can be rated so that users know the relative quality of the resources. Ratings are from basic to exemplary. The resources are organized well enough that I was able to find resources on all my searches. Videos are available for how to use the website and find the resources you want, organize them and build curriculum. This global community has provided many resources. All the ones I found were in English. Up to 3 resources may be downloaded before membership is required, but membership is free. Over four hundred thousands members have joined.

Finish and Japanese users groups have translated the site into their languages for the use of their users.This translation doesn’t extend to the resources in the website.

If you haven’t checked out this website before, I hope you will take a look.

Paula Clough
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Paula Clough

A "retired teacher". Thirty two years experience in Education. 10 years with Moodle in K-12 and college levels.

One thought on “Curriki K-12 free resources

  • Yes, an interesting project for sure.

    Driven by AT&T (they have far too much money!) with a few high profile sponsors.

    There are some well-known content providers, so I’m wondering if this is providing a sales “loss leader” for some of them? Looks like some good content there, but I’ll have to spend longer looking around 🙂


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