
For the online learning world


Moodle 3.9 improvement – Recommended activities

Administrators can highlight recommended activities in Moodle 3.9.

In the Activity chooser in Moodle, each item has a star icon (for favouriting) and an information icon – leading to more information and documentation.

In Moodle 3.9 onwards, the activity chooser has tabs for different views. Exactly which tabs you see depend on the administrator’s settings and can include:

  • Starred – any activity or resource you (the teacher) star as a favourite or frequently used activity
  • All – all Activities and Resources together
  • Activities – only Activities
  • Resources – only Resources
  • Recommended

Recommended is new, and contains items the administrator has chosen, or ‘recommended‘, in:

Site administration > Courses > Activity chooser > Recommended activities


ElearningWorld Admin

Site administrator

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