
For the online learning world

Author: Gareth Barnard

Elearning WorldMoodlePedagogy

Infinite Monkey’s

There is a saying that I know of along the lines that given enough time then a group monkeys could type out the complete works of Shakespeare. This then lead to a thought on if it actually happened then would it be a copyright infringement? Probably not given the time that has transpired, but then consider if instead of it being a random act, then what if the monkeys had just copied the text by learning how to use the keys Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V effectively? Then how could we tell the difference? With that thought in mind, then how can assessors of work on an online eLearning platform then detect plagiarism?

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AccessibilityElearning WorldMoodleThemeUX

Icons, Words, Accessibility and Learning

hen Emma Richardson posted the words “I do like the new Edit Mode button (especially the wording – nice job UX team!) – it makes much more sense to me to have it where it is and it will make it easier for the teachers to understand the purpose I think.” on the Moodle themes forum. This got me thinking again about the ‘Edit button’ and how it has been improved in M4.0 by Bas Brands in MDL-71610. In improving my Foundation theme, I’d decided to remove the ‘Edit mode’ words on the screen because of the space it took up, when once you know what it is, then you don’t need the description. Or do you? In this post I’ll consider this point.

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CoursesElearning WorldGeneral

Can AI lie?

We live and exist in a technological world. Gone are the days where we depend upon the direct word of another for our information. Progressively in the last and present centuries, the speed of change of communication technologies has rapidly diversified to the extent that we are able to get the point of view of another from almost any part of the world. We are no longer restricted* to singular sources of information but can pick and choose what we wish. But what is the real truth and if its not, then can we tell if we are only interacting with a machine? Thus, can Artificial Intelligence lie?

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