
For the online learning world


Elearning WorldLMSMoodle

Collapsed Topics is 14!

On the 18th February 2023, I was improving Collapsed Topics with the consequence of updating the Changes.md file. This lead to me scanning through all that I had done since its creation. Then I realised that the first version (0.1) was released on the 21st February 2009, and thus its fourteenth birthday would be on the 21st February 2023. I had to do something to celebrate this event.

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AccessibilityElearning WorldMoodleThemeUX

Icons, Words, Accessibility and Learning

hen Emma Richardson posted the words “I do like the new Edit Mode button (especially the wording – nice job UX team!) – it makes much more sense to me to have it where it is and it will make it easier for the teachers to understand the purpose I think.” on the Moodle themes forum. This got me thinking again about the ‘Edit button’ and how it has been improved in M4.0 by Bas Brands in MDL-71610. In improving my Foundation theme, I’d decided to remove the ‘Edit mode’ words on the screen because of the space it took up, when once you know what it is, then you don’t need the description. Or do you? In this post I’ll consider this point.

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