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Elearning WorldLinuxTechnical

Some more Java

As a follow on from ‘A little bit more Java’, this time we will progress to look at how we can input from the command line and enhance our program even further. The beginnings of a program can be an uphill struggle as we work away to get something that actually does something. Now we’ve made progress, that hill will start to soften and we’ll be able to add more functionality now that we have our base.

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Elearning WorldLinuxTechnical


In recent years, I’ve been creating a calendar using images that I’ve taken. Back in 2002, I created a small Java program that prints out the calendar for the next twelve months. In my themes and on the MoodleBites eLearningWorld theme courses I have code that arranges the Moodle blocks horizontally, this is partly facilitated through the employment of column CSS classes that are based upon the ideas implemented in the Bootstrap framework. Combine all of these thoughts, and add to my recent posts with Java then I thought ‘Why can’t I get Java to create a calendar just like the one I have printed?’. And that’s what this month is all about, where we will additionally see how pre-processing of HTML output can be designed and implemented from scratch.

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Elearning WorldLinuxTechnical

A little bit more Java

As a follow on from ‘A little bit of Java’, I thought that we’d progress into something a bit more complicated. The thing is with software creation is that the initial learning curve is steep, but once you’ve gotten over that then things do become easier. One way of climbing that initial curve is to have a defined goal with an outcome that you strive to reach. The program also needs to have a purpose so that it does something useful for us. Then we will be motivated to attain the goal of achieving our solution when things get tricky. Therefore our program will take text that we enter and apply a ‘Substitution cipher’ and tell us the result. That result we can then enter again and get what we originally typed back.

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Elearning WorldLinuxTechnical

A little bit of Java

Life is all about learning and maintaining the skills you have. I started off writing software in procedural languages, then moved on to C++, being object orientated, then Java came along and I fell in love with it. I found it much easier not having to worry about memory management and having so much ‘out of box’ components, especially graphical ones. So let us learn and revisit the language and discover it.

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AccessibilityElearning WorldMoodleThemeUX

Icons, Words, Accessibility and Learning

hen Emma Richardson posted the words “I do like the new Edit Mode button (especially the wording – nice job UX team!) – it makes much more sense to me to have it where it is and it will make it easier for the teachers to understand the purpose I think.” on the Moodle themes forum. This got me thinking again about the ‘Edit button’ and how it has been improved in M4.0 by Bas Brands in MDL-71610. In improving my Foundation theme, I’d decided to remove the ‘Edit mode’ words on the screen because of the space it took up, when once you know what it is, then you don’t need the description. Or do you? In this post I’ll consider this point.

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Elearning WorldGamificationPedagogy


When I did my PGCE I learnt about ‘Maslow’s hierarchy of needs’, whereby there is a ‘pyramid’ that defines the elements in life that help support the needs above them. One of the needs at the top is ‘Self-actualisation’, which I understand to be a need state that is best for learning and indeed being productive. In this post I’ll discuss my thoughts on this.

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